
Find some travel buddies!


Reduce Travel Time

By finding people that share your route, you don't have to walk / travel to the bus stop, wait for the bus or suffer the consequences of missing a bus. Everything's pre-planned to be easy as.


Meet Friends

UniDrop helps you meet friends that share the same travel route and annoying 8AM lecture as you. For longer commutes the presence of a friend helps reduce the mundaness of travel.


Save Money

Get together and pitch in for the drivers parking costs. It helps the driver out and it's cheaper than catching the slow, old bus!

"I have so many unused seats, it'd be great if I could share the ride."
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The aim of UniDrop is to provide a platform where students can find others travelling the same route as them. This ensures that no seats are left unused reducing travel time for those that would normally catch the bus and reducing congestion for all others. Furthermore, with a "voluntary" donation to the driver, the drivers parking fee can be reduced for less than the cost of the bus!